A reliable safety net that’s there when you need it most.
Crop insurance designed to best fit your needs.
When it comes to farming, there are things you can control, and things you just cannot. And since being prepared is the first rule of thumb in farming, having crop insurance as a reliable backup is the best solution to protecting your revenue, your investment, and your legacy.
How does crop insurance work?
Crop insurance is a tool that gives you more control when the unexpected occurs. Say you experience a drought or heavy rainfall that destroys your crops. If you have crop insurance, you’ll receive a sum of money determined by your policy, so you can plan ahead knowing what you’d get should you need to file a claim. This means you can budget for the worst-case scenario and still pay and compete for employees, avoid losing land, and most importantly, protect the legacy of your farm.
Why do you need crop insurance?
As a farmer, no matter what the scale of your operations are, you rely on your crop yield each year to make a profit and pay farm expenses. What would you do if you didn’t earn any revenue from your crops for a year? Five years in a row? For most farmers, they would have to cut back, sell land, or even sell their farm if they didn’t have crop insurance. Having a crop policy puts a foundation beneath your feet, so that should your crops get destroyed, you’ll have the funds from your policy to fall back on should you need them.
The risks involved in crop farming.
There’s no telling what might happen as a result of Mother Nature from season to season. You could have a five-year streak of perfect weather or the exact opposite. Depending on where your farm is located geographically, the risks may vary. Everything from hail to flooding, drought, tornadoes, and other natural disasters can wreak havoc on your crops. Your crop insurance policy will be designed specifically for your farm and the risks you face so you can plan and prepare for the worst.
Specialized solutions to protect your farm.
We provide a broad range of crop insurance policies. Multi-peril policies to protect your row crops, whole-farm revenue protection policies to cover your whole operation, which includes specialty crops (fruits and vegetables), pasture policies to protect against a lack of rainfall, nursery policies, as well as livestock and dairy policies to name a few.
We can help you with all of your farming needs from farm insurance, crop insurance, agribusiness, grain bins, farming equipment, and more! Contact us today to discuss your crop insurance and other farm insurance needs.
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